Joshua made his requests to Santa this week. I'm pretty sure he asked Santa for his top two front teeth because they have been bothering him the past couple of days. I think they are on their way. He also must have asked Santa to help him get around the house more quickly because he has been on all fours trying to figure out how to propel himself forward. I think we are only days away from the excitement of chasing him around as he crawls on the floor. It is amazing all of the changes that have happened in the last 7 1/2 months!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth
Monday, December 11, 2006
Christmas Family Pics
This is the first year that Peter and I have sent out a photo Christmas card. I love receiving Christmas cards, but I always thought the only reason to send out a picture card was if there was a baby involved. I know it's not that big of a deal, but for some reason, I was really excited about it. Mostly, I was excited to take a family pic, since we really haven't had a good one with all three of us. Here are a few pictures that Natalie Miller took for us...she is a great photographer!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
1st Time Marathoner
Well, I wish that title was for me, but it is for my friend, Kristin Lewis. She ran her first marathon today, the Dallas White Rock Marathon. I am so proud of her! I cannot imagine running 26.2 miles! It is almost 20 miles from my house to the spot in downtown Dallas where I watched her cross the 25 mile marker. On my drive home I kept thinking, how could I ever run from my house to downtown?! Janelle, Joshua, and I met in downtown, and cheered her on. There are no pictures of wouldn't have been able to see his cute, little face anyway, because he was all bundled up!
Kristin, wearing the green shirt, trained and ran with another friend, Suzy (this was her 2nd marathon)!
Kristin & Suzy at the finish line with their medals!
We are so proud of our friend!
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Christmas is only 22 days away!
I love Christmas and all of the things that go with the busyness of the season: spending time with family, buying presents, putting up decorations, going to Christmas parties, watching kids take pictures with Santa Claus, baking and eating cookies, and going to the Christmas Eve service at church. All of these are fun traditions, but this year is so much more special! We are looking forward to enjoying Christmas through Joshua's eyes. I can't imagine what a 7 month old is thinking when he sees lights up on houses, ornaments, and trees inside! Really, I wonder what he is thinking most of the time. As you can see from the pictures, he even got into the Christmas spirit early and put on his Santa suit.
The Murrells came to visit us this weekend...we had a great time as always. One of my highlights was a letter Oksana wrote to Joshua. He was taking a nap, so she had to read it to me. I won't post everything she wrote, but she was, so kindly, explaining to him that Santa is not real, and that one day he would realize that it was his Mommy and Daddy who put the presents under the tree. After laughing about the letter, I told her that I would let him see it, but not for quite a few years!