Saturday, February 10, 2007

Joshua on strike!

I had a sad day this week when Joshua decided to go on a nursing strike! He absolutely refused to nurse, and I immediately thought that he was weaning himself. It's not that it would be the end of the world if he weaned, I just thought that I would decide when that time was...and I thought I would have a little more preparation time to get used to the idea! It was a very long day with lots of fussiness involved. My friend Amanda told me that her son also did this when a very painful tooth was breaking through his gums. I decided to pry Joshua's mouth open and found that he was getting a new tooth on top. The good news is that the next day he was back to normal!

These pictures are from the end of that hard day. He has never fallen asleep in his high chair before...his eyes were closing in between each bite and then he finally gave up!

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