"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. " 2 Corinthians 4:18
Continue to keep updated on the search for Joe at http://www.findjoehouston.blogspot.com/. Joe's parents are such a shining light in the darkness, as they are clearly putting their trust and hope in the Lord during this incredibly difficult time. On Tuesday, Joe's parents wrote this letter for the blog and I wanted to post it here as well:
Personal letter from Joe's parents, John and Glyndell Houston
Hi, I'm Joe's mom, and I speak for his dad as well. We wanted to share with you that our son, Joe, is not eternally lost, just physically lost. He gave His life to Jesus Christ and is living eternally with Him whether physically still on this earth or not. He is safe, secure, loved and kept by the hand of God Himself. It is our wish that anyone reading this blog or connected with this journey in any way have that same assurance from Christ that when you die you will be absent from your body, but eternally present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8If you cannot say this about your life and you haven't given your heart to Jesus Christ, please call one of us and talk to us. We will be overjoyed to discuss this with you. Contact Amy on this blog and she will help us get in contact with you. Jesus is pursuing His lost child even more than we are pursuing our lost child. Please take time to consider this for yourself. Read 2 Corinthians 4.
Love and prayers,
Glyndell & John Houston
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