Sunday, April 6, 2008

Josh's Twin

In September, the Martins moved to Texas. We had no idea how much we had in common with each other, but we are so glad to have gotten to know them and spend some time with them recently. As I'm sure will happen more in the future, our sons are the commonality. Their son, Tobias, was born on Joshua's due date (June 2), and he is a sweet boy...all boy! Joshua and Tobias get along really well. One of their favorite weekly activities is running around the sanctuary after the service on Sundays...their little heads bob up and down above the pews as they chase each other. They have many of the same mannerisms and even look a little alike.
The Martins second son, Jacob, was born just five days after Gabe. We are looking forward to
them becoming fast friends as well!

Last week to celebrate our last chance at a playdate before returning to work, Elizabeth and I took the boys to a park by their home. This weekend we all got to spend a beautiful Saturday afternoon with the Martins at the park.

Elizabeth and Tobias...

Joshua didn't quite understand the concept of feeding the ducks the first time...

But he got much better the second time...

Tobias was so sweet to push Joshua in his wagon...

Then they got a ride together as Steven pulled them very fast around the park...they got big air several times.

Joshua and Gabe wore matching sweaters to church this morning that the Martins gave them as a gift when Gabe was sweet!


MamaCass said...

I saw Joshua and Tobias running the aisles this past Sunday . It was very cute. This is my most favorite park in Irving by the way. We go there alot! That last picture of Joshua and Gabe is so stinking cute!

C:M:W said...

OK...Joshua and Gabe have just stolen my heart with that last picture.... I love it!!!
Gabe is so tan.... can me and him please trade skin tones???

Janelle and Ella said...

These are some of the cutest pictures ever!! What a special thing to have both of your babies so close to each other's age. I guess I didn't realize they were that close. That is very neat.
And the matching sweaters is too much adorableness to handle.