Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gabe Army Crawling

We finally took a video of Gabe in his very fast army crawling mode! It just so happened that when I was recording this short clip, Joshua decided to show off his new thing also...making sure brother doesn't get any of his toys!


Janelle and Ella said...

hehe! Great job Gabe!!! I am laughing SO hard at Josh!! Awesome video.

MamaCass said...

Very cute! I love his little army crawl.

Lauren said...

Way to go, Gabe!

Noah still won't crawl. He would much rather walk. He'll scoot and roll around a little bit, but he much prefers standing with a little help and walking while holding our hands for support. He has even pulled himself up. We are wondering if he'll crawl at all or if he'll be one of those kids who skips it and just goes straight to walking.

Anyway, Gabe must be getting quite a workout! That army crawl takes a lot of energy!