Sunday, November 23, 2008


Each year on Oct. 31st, our church hosts Fall-a-Palooza. It has gotten increasingly exciting each year since Joshua was born. The first year he rode around in his stroller, last year he walked around not very excited about anything, and this year he actually participated in games and loved the bounce house! Gabe was a lot of fun too! All of the grandparents came up to enjoy the boys, so it was alot of fun. Peter and I also had our student ministry fall retreat that weekend, so they all watched and entertained the boys. I can't believe that I have not posted any of their cute pictures yet, so here they are.

Yes, he could be the next Tiger Woods!

Joshua was the cutest construction worker around! He even won 3rd place in the costume contest for the preschool category.

Joshua and I were construction workers, and Peter & Gabe were...

...tandem skydivers!

You can see their costume a little better in this picture...


Linsey said...

How cute is the sky-diver costume. Very creative!

Smith Family said...

Melissa!!! How cute. Aren't holidays so much fun now that Joshua is getting a little older? Campbell is already talking about Christmas... we can't wait! I love your costumes. We sure do miss you guys.
~The Smith's

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

So cute! Gabe looks so much like Joshua!

Alana said...

Your boys are too cute!

Have you heard anything else about Chuck and Krisi? I haven't heard anything for a while and thought you might know something...