Saturday, January 27, 2007

Fun with Friends

This weekend, Heath and Janelle are moving into a duplex! Joshua and I have had some fun this week with them... one night we helped them pack a few boxes.

...and Friday night "helped" them move a few things. Janelle and I were really wanting to see what was going on in Taipei, so we called Kristin, Todd & Laney. Here is a picture of the coolest thing web video. We have been able to talk to them live several times while they have been there. Once we got that out of our systems, then we were able to help the boys with moving.

Here is one last picture. One morning this week as I was getting ready, Joshua managed to pull himself up using the toilet seat and started unrolling the toilet paper. I couldn't stop him because he was having too much fun! Don't worry, grandmas, I'm sure the toilet seat was very clean :)

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