I have really been wanting to get family pictures taken for a while now, and our sweet friend, Amber agreed to take them...she did a really great job! I am just amazed at her talent and patience...taking pictures of two boys going in opposite directions most of the time. Thank you, Amber for some great pictures that we will enjoy for a long time! Here is our Christmas card...I was so excited to be able to use the pictures that she took.
These are some of my favorites, but with over 200 to choose from, it is hard to narrow them down...
Friday, December 26, 2008
Family Pics
Friday, December 5, 2008
I have too much to post that it is overwhelming, so here are just a few cute pics of Gabe from this week and a video of Joshua.
Gabe has mostly been eating baby food, but is starting to branch out into some solids...gnawing on bread, diced fruit, and his favorite below...Gerber's version of spaghetti-o's.
Here is the aftermath...
Josh is not to be outdown with the messy-ness! This was the damage done after Joshua devoured a piece of pumpkin bread with chocolate chips.
And an old picture of Gabe from his Kid's Day Out "Imagination Day". This was Oct. 31st, but his costume as a tandem parachuter didn't quite work out without his Daddy, so we improvised with this "costume" as a biker. Watch out, he is a tough dude!
I wish I would remember that I have to take videos from my camera going a certain direction...I did not remember this time, so you will have to crane your neck to see this. I took this video on Wednesday night at church. One of out good friends, Chantz, is always so sweet to play with our boys. He found the way to Joshua's heart by helping him swing in a creative way!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Each year on Oct. 31st, our church hosts Fall-a-Palooza. It has gotten increasingly exciting each year since Joshua was born. The first year he rode around in his stroller, last year he walked around not very excited about anything, and this year he actually participated in games and loved the bounce house! Gabe was a lot of fun too! All of the grandparents came up to enjoy the boys, so it was alot of fun. Peter and I also had our student ministry fall retreat that weekend, so they all watched and entertained the boys. I can't believe that I have not posted any of their cute pictures yet, so here they are.
Yes, he could be the next Tiger Woods!
Joshua was the cutest construction worker around! He even won 3rd place in the costume contest for the preschool category.
Joshua and I were construction workers, and Peter & Gabe were...
...tandem skydivers!
You can see their costume a little better in this picture...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sam & Miles have arrived!
My sweet friend, Kristin, had her twinadoes (as she calls them) on Sunday afternoon. We were able to visit her after she went into the recovery room, and then spent some time with her this morning. She will be posting pictures soon, so check her blog for all of the sweet pictures. Because they were born at 34 weeks, they will have to spend some time in the NICU. As you can imagine, no new mother wants to be separated from her babies, so this is very hard. Pray specifically that Kristin will have peace during this time, and that the babies will be able to maintain their body temperature and eat from a bottle consistently. Below are a few scriptures to pray over their family.
“Whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.” 1 John 3:22
Jesus, in Your Name we ask for quick healing for Sam and Miles, and believe that they will receive it. May your peace continually be with Todd and Kristin as they trust in You.
“…and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16
Lord, many believers are calling to you today, and we trust that you hear and answer those prayers on behalf of Todd, Kristin, Laney, Sam & Miles.
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Matthew 7:11
Lord, as much as Todd & Kristin want to protect their boys and give them good gifts, please show them that your gifts are even greater…pour them out on the Lewis Family today.
“Your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily (for Sam & Miles), and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.” Isaiah 58:8
Lord, we ask that you would bring a speedy healing for Sam & Miles so that they may go home soon. Thank you that your righteousness and glory surrounds them.
“But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.” Malachi 4:2
Lord, we ask that you would arise today with healing in your wings…cover Sam and Miles with your protection and make them strong. Restore health to Kristin’s body as well so that she may be able to care for her precious family.
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.” Psalm 127:3
Lord, thank you for the incredible blessing of Sam & Miles! We pray that they would continue in the godly heritage of Todd & Kristin.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sweet Friends...a Heavy Heart
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Fall is in the Air
Last Thursday while my mom was here, she took us to the Dallas Arboretum. I have only been there during the spring, so it was nice to see all of the fall colors and TONS of pumpkins. They had a big pumpkin patch, a pumpkin house, and all of the walkways were lined with pumpkins! It's no wonder Joshua kept pointing out the pumpkins while we were there.
Here are the boys posing for a picture in front of the cottage...
Joshua adopted the cottage as his personal playhouse. He invited us inside, played peek-a-boo by opening and closing the shutters and door. It was difficult to take this picture because he kept wanting to close the shutters.
Gabe posing in the pumpkin patch...
...with the pumpkin house in the background.
Joshua loved the floating pumpkins...
At the end of our time at the Arboretum, Joshua picked out two pumpkins...one for himself and one for Gabe. He picked out small ones because he wanted to be able to carry them.
Here is Joshua's pumpkin...
And Gabe's pumpkin...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Josh & Friends
We are making it this week without Peter...God has been good to give me and the boys some sweet time together, but man I was sure glad when my mom arrived after work on Monday! The reinforcement is here! We spent all morning today running errands to get ready for our apartment's National Night Out event. It was a lot of fun...thanks to some great friends...Ashley & Christian kept the bounce house in check, and Nate Smith was awesome entertainment. I will have to post some pics once I get them downloaded. The best picture of the night will be the four young girls who stood three feet away from Nate the entire time he was singing. It was as if they were at a rock concert and they had front row seats. They were swaying with the music, had an air microphone for themself, and there was even a little jumping going on at some points.
Back to Peter, I forgot how weird it is to not be able to hear from him. When my phone rings, I expect it to be him on the other end. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for him...I am trusting that the Lord is doing some miraculous things through the team. They have two more days of building the pastor's house and ministering to the village, and then they will head back up river. Tonight I met a friend of one of our residents...we were talking and I told him that Peter was in Nicaragua. He asked if he was in Managua...I said that he flew in there and then went to Puerto Cabezas and then Wes Palm (not the spelling, that's just how it sounds to me). He said, "I know just where that is, is he working with the Palmers?" Hello! He went on a mission trip to the same region when he was in high school and worked with the missionaries that Peter's team is with right now. Isn't the Lord sweet to give me the encouragement of someone who knew exactly what Peter is facing tonight?
So the post originally was going to be about Joshua and his cutie pie girl friends, but I got side-tracked. My sweet friends Janelle and Kristin posted some pictures and stories from playdates we have had recently. Because those pictures are still on my camera, I am putting the link to their posts here. Grandpa Ashdown, this is for you! I know that you check for updates often, so here are some great pictures and videos of the boys.
Playdate of Joshua, Gabe & Ella at the park a few weeks ago. Click here for some fun videos of the kids singing as they play.
Playdate of Joshua, Gabe & Laney at the Lewis' house on Sunday night. Click here to see the best choke-hold picture (don't worry, there were no lasting effects on Gabe...he's just fine).
Friday, October 3, 2008
Mikitos and Mosquitos
Peter is headed with a team of 13 to Nicaragua this morning. We made it to the airport at 5:30am and stuck around a while to see him off. They will return next Saturday night...very late! I am so grateful that my mom is coming on Monday to stay with us and help me keep my sanity!
Below is a very brief description from our pastor and trip member, John Durham, of the purpose of the trip:
Our team will be building a church and a pastor’s home for the Miskito Indians on the bank of the Coco River next week. We are partnering with IMB missionaries in Nicaragua and are going to a remote village called Tulimbila which is a 7 hour upriver trip in a canoe. Please pray for three things: 1) Safety and health of the team. 2) The seed of the Gospel to be firmly planted in the hearts of the Miskito Indians. 3) Completion of the church and house in the week we are there.
Pray for the team members: Peter, Jared, Daniel, Steven, Aaron, John, Daniel, Chantz, Phil, Will, Greg, and Cody.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Entertainment by Joshua
I have been grabbing my camera a lot lately to video the boys...I'm trying to make sure we have some fun things documented. Since Joshua has been talking and singing so much lately, I wanted to share a few of those videos.
Joshua created his own medley of his favorite songs. In this video he started with the A,B,Cs, then went straight into Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and halfway through that song changed to Jesus Loves the Little Children.
Joshua Song Medley from Melissa Murrell on Vimeo.
Almost every night we read Goodnight Moon, sometimes more than once. Lately he has been reciting the words along with me. Here is Joshua telling the beginning of the book. He got distracted and wanted to look at himself in the camera as I was videoing him. I am just amazed that kids his age can memorize things...
Story Time with Joshua from Melissa Murrell on Vimeo.
Gabe's Officially Crawling!
In my last post I said that Gabe's main mode of getting around has been army crawling. Well, last night he took three crawling steps toward me...then today he has been practicing some more. I went to his Kid's Day Out class today and grabbed my camera as he started to crawl across the floor. He is still going back and forth between army crawling and crawling on his knees, and I'm honestly a little worried about him getting around even faster than he has been. He is going to be keeping me on my toes!
Gabe Crawling from Melissa Murrell on Vimeo.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Gabe - 8 Month Day!
Gabe is 8 months old today...where has the time gone?! He is such a sweet and happy baby, and brings us joy each day. Here are some of his recent developments:
-He cut two more teeth this week, bringing his total to four.
-He says mama, dada, and nana. Talk about melting my heart when he says "mama" repeatedly while "crawling" toward me.
-His main mode of transportation is army crawling.
-He enjoys standing up while holding onto toys or the couch.
-He is 20 pounds!
-His eyes light up when Joshua is playing with him.
-He laughs easily and smiles at everyone!
-He enjoys eating cereal and most baby food, but hasn't seemed too fond of the jarred meats...I don't think that I would like them either!
-The best development yet is that he has been sleeping through the night almost every night for the last two weeks!
Here is a video of "a day in the life" of our boys. Joshua was being sweet to entertain Gabe with a game of "Where are me?" (a.k.a. "where am I?" or peek-a-boo).
Friday, September 12, 2008
Ike, Missing My Boys & Grapefest
All week long, Peter and I have been watching the weather channel, trying to figure out what Hurricane Ike was going to do. The boys went to Houston last Sunday to spend the week with grandparents. Our plan all along was to drive to Houston yesterday and spend the weekend with family and then bring the boys back Saturday. As Hurricane Ike continued heading toward the Galveston area, we decided to just drive down yesterday and turn right back around. We met my parents in Conroe just hours before I-45 got unbearably clogged. We were so grateful to not be stuck in that terrible traffic! And so glad to be reunited with our boys! That was my first time to be away from Gabe and definitely the longest time away from Joshua. Peter and I had a good time hanging out together and did a few things that we don't get to do often...like go see a movie and ride our bikes.
Now that Ike is pounding Galveston, we are glued to the tv. I am just so distraught over the fact that there are so many people that didn't evacuate Galveston Island. We are praying for their safety. I guess we will know much more in the morning.
I wanted to leave you with a few pics from Grapefest...it is going on this weekend in Grapevine. Last night we met up with Janelle & Ella, and Todd, Kristin & Laney . It was so much fun! We just walked around for a while, let the kids dance to the live music, and did some serious exercise in the bounce house.
Peter took on the responsibility of pushing the boys in the stroller...
My sweet Gabe...he seems like such a big boy sitting up in the stroller.
I love this picture because Ella and Laney are so excited to be dancing to the music. As you can tell, Joshua was not as excited. He did enjoy running circles around Janelle for a while.
This picture is so sweet as the kids rush over to give Kristin a hug...I like to think that they were all talking to the twins.
The kids loved the bounce house...Joshua was sweating and red in the face by the time we convinced him to get out.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Gabe Army Crawling
We finally took a video of Gabe in his very fast army crawling mode! It just so happened that when I was recording this short clip, Joshua decided to show off his new thing also...making sure brother doesn't get any of his toys!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Papa's 80th Birthday
Gabe and Papa posing for a pic...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Conversation with Joshua
Having a conversation with Joshua is a new thing for us, and I love that he can verbally tell me what is going on in his head...for the most part! This morning on our way to church, we took a minute to pray. After we said "Amen" this was the conversation...
J: I show God my raisins.
M: Did you know that God can already see your raisins? He sees everything.
J: I show God my water.
Minutes later...
J: I done pooping. I show God my poo poo.
A short conversation, but it had me laughing so hard! I'm sure it won't be the last time that the topic of conversation turns to poop!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Mission Houston
Following our move in June, we headed to Houston for our middle- and high school mission trip. It was so great to be back in our "stomping ground" to serve. The students were great and worked very hard that week. They ran a VBS for a brand new Spanish-speaking church, sorted clothes for a clothes closet, served snow cones at an apartment complex, and passed flyers out in a neighborhood to promote the church. I am really proud of each one of them for being obedient to the Lord's call to go!
Here are a few of the sweet kids that we met in Houston...
While in Houston, the boys and I split our time with our families and the mission group. Each morning I went to help with the VBS and the boys spent time with grandparents. Josh & Gabe had such a fun time visiting the Houston Zoo and a children's museum. I also had the blessing to meet up with many of my Houston friends for a playdate. It is rare that I get to visit with friends on our short trips to Houston, so this was really great!
We also had a birthday party our first night in town for Phillip and Elizabeth (who share the same birthday - June 8)...
Here is my mom with Gabe and Michelle with Jack...the boys are good friends already and holding hands...