Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Howdy Partner!

Joshua sported his cowboy costume proudly at our apartment costume party on Saturday night and tonight at our church's Fall-A-Palooza. Normally it takes me a while to post pictures, but I know that our families are anxious to see our little cowboy! Here are some of the highlights...

Joshua is making his entrance to our Apartment Life Costume Party on Saturday night...

Auntie Alicia spent the weekend with us and kept Joshua entertained at the party.

We made "Witches Brew" (punch) and Peter added dry ice for a fun effect...Joshua thought it was pretty cool!

Before Fall-A-Palooza began, we went trick-or-treating. Here are Peter and Joshua on our walk from the church to trick-or-treating...

Joshua's friend, Tobey, was dressed in a similar outfit, but Tobey was a Sheriff. I never actually captured them in a picture together.

Jackson (golfer) and Ella (80s aerobics instructor) were cracking up at Ella's daddy, Heath, as he practiced some aerobics in the front yard.

Joshua was not too sure about trick-or-treating. He never actually made it all the way to the front of a house.

Joshua enjoyed stepping up on these bricks...a little too much because he eventually went forehead-first into one of them, leaving a pretty good mark.

Joshua participated in the preschool costume contest. All of the kids were adorable! The kids were supposed to be at least 3 years old, but an announcement was made at the last minute that any kids that could walk across the stage for themselves could enter the contest. We registered Joshua, but he ended up throwing a fit right when his name was called, so I had to carry him to his place and set him on the stage.

Here is Joshua with his 2nd place ribbon for the costume contest...can you tell that he has been sick, bonked his head, and was extremely tired tonight?! Regardless, he was a cutie pie tonight!


Janelle and Ella said...

GREAT pictures Melissa!!! Last night was so much fun!!

And congrats to Joshua on 2nd place. I'm not bitter. :-)

Michelle said...

I love his costume Melissa! So cute! I can not believe how big all our kids are! These past months have flown by!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

He is adorable! Such a cute little buckaroo!

Kristin said...

Oh he is such a cute little cowboy!! Seriously that costume is awesome! Wish that we got to see you guys last night!

Lauren said...

Love the cowboy costume, especially the shirt!

MamaCass said...

I wish we could have got those boys together for a picture. They were both so cute!