Sunday, October 7, 2007

St. Laurent Fun

The last weekend in September, Joshua was invited to a birthday party of some new, sweet friends of ours. We met Matthew and his parents through events we host at our apartment complex, and Joshua and Matthew hit it off! Matthew is all boy and very active. It gives me insight into what Joshua will be like in about seven months! Matthew turned two and had a great Shrek birthday party. Here are a few pics from the party...

Joshua with his very own Shrek ears...

Matthew and Joshua

Matthew and his mom, Maria...

Joshua enjoying the purple-iced cupcake! He was really only interested in smearing the icing all over his face. He never actually took a bite of the cake.

Every-other month we host Breakfast at the Gate for the residents at our apartments. We decided that we should document this with pictures of Joshua. He is such a part of our ministry at the apartments. He is involved in every event we host, and is always such a sweet boy. However, since he is obviously mobile now and has his own ideas of what he wants to do, it is sometimes challenging to keep up with him!
I think we should sell this picture to Minute Maid!

He spent a lot of time fishing drinks out of the bucket!


Janelle and Ella said...

These pics are adorable. My favorite is the Minute Maid one. They would be lucky to have Joshua as their spokes person!

FordeFam said...

Such a big boy, there, joining in on all of the activities!!! :) I read your blog about 79%...hehe! I have heard of mom's who get to the delivery room and have a girl when the doc's were 100% sure, or so they claimed, that it was a boy!!! Hahaha! Also, I know of a few people who have painted their baby rooms blue and then added grass and flowers and butterflies for a girl or frogs and bugs and snails for a boy! They were very cute rooms! :) Can't wait to find out! Oh, and all of ours were surprises and it was SO much fun...if that makes you feel any better, although we wanted it that way! So glad that your getting to see your sweet one so much! I bet you're all confused! :)

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

You should DEFINATELY send that picture to Minute Maid!

MamaCass said...

What a neat ministry that ya'll are apart of and Joshua too. I love that Minute Maid picture too. I must admit those juice boxes are a staple around our house. I have to hide them or Tobey would probably drink them nonstop throughout the day.

MamaCass said...

What a neat ministry that ya'll are apart of and Joshua too. I love that Minute Maid picture too. I must admit those juice boxes are a staple around our house. I have to hide them or Tobey would probably drink them nonstop throughout the day.

Kristin said...

I LOVE the frosting picture. Those big blue eyes!!! Now that picture could sell some frosting! Between that and the Minute Maid Ad campaign that I am sure is heading your way, maybe you've got America's Next Baby Model on your hands.