Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter with the Ashdowns

We spent part of Friday with my parents and Alicia, and packed in all of the Easter fun that we could handle in those few hours! Joshua got to go on an Easter egg hunt, dye eggs, eat a yummy dinner, and open a few more presents.

Auntie Alicia helped Joshua dye eggs. We made him do it in his diaper since he was dressed in his Easter outfit to be worn to church in a few days.

He got a little messy...and loved it!

Joshua got bored with dying eggs the traditional way and made up his own method to collect all of the dye that had dripped on the table.

Joshua and Gabe posing in their Easter outfits. Since we weren't going to see my parents on Sunday for church, they wanted to get a sneak peek at their outfits.

Joshua loved hunting easter eggs! With each one he picked up, he said "More eggs"!

He got a few huge eggs that really weighed the basket down! My mom made his basket to be used in years to come for egg hunts.

Gabe was chilling during the entire egg hunt!

1 comment:

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

The boys look adorable in their Easter outfits!