Sunday, March 23, 2008

Zoo Playdate

Two weeks ago we were able to take Joshua to the zoo for the very first time. Kristin and Laney invited us to join them. Peter was able to take the day off work and go with was so much fun to be there all together! Needless to say, Joshua loved all of the animals, and especially enjoyed running around the zoo.

Here are Joshua and Laney checking out the elephant. Their favorite thing to do was to climb up on the fence to get a better view of the animals.

Joshua and Daddy checking out the ducks...

We saw lions...




And Joshua's favorite sight to see was the construction workers building the new penguin house...

He got to touch a chicken at the petting zoo...

Joshua's GQ pose...

Gabe enjoyed spending the day getting fresh air outside!

He was completely worn out by the end of the day!

1 comment:

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Cute, cute pictures. I love Joshua's GQ pose!