Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Joshua at 22 Months

I have not done a very good job of recording developmental milestones in Joshua's life. So I have decided that I am going to try to start recording each month something new that each of the boys are doing...here goes!

~Joshua is quickly learning shapes, colors, letters, and numbers. He received this puzzle for Christmas and knows and can say all of the shapes (except pentagon and octagon).

~He surprised us one night when we were stuck in traffic on Hwy 360S (yes, that awful traffic). It was actually on Valentine's Day when we were on our way to the drive-in movie. All of a sudden, he starts saying "i-n-gle" over and over. When I looked back at him, he was pointing to a sign with this logo on the side of the road. He was pointing out the triangle ("i-n-gle")!

~Also for Christmas, Auntie Alicia gave him this great Leap Frog alphabet set that is magnetic. He plays with it quite a bit, and has been spouting out letters ever since! He doesn't know them all and still gets them confused sometimes, but here is a cute video of him trying to name the letters (and throwing a few of them)! Sorry about my annoying voice that is also in the video!

~About a month ago, Joshua began to say our names alot. He enjoys going through the names of all of our family members and all of the friends that he can think of. It is really sweet! One day, he started saying "Hotdog Momma Hotdog Daddy Hotdog Gabriel" and so on with the long list of names. It was hilarious! Why he decided "hotdog" was the appropriate word to put in between the names I don't know. Peter then taught him to say "Hello Momma", etc. instead, so now he loves to say that.

~A reprieve from the constant "No" has come! Now Joshua loves to say "Yah!", with a very long drawl. It is such a sweet sound, and he will probably answer "Yah" no matter if the answer is yes or no.

~Another sweet thing he has been doing is giving an emphatic "Amen" or "A-en" as he does it, whenever we pray. He raises his right fist in the air when he says it...so sweet! He loves to pray before bed. That is the one sure-fire thing that will calm him down if he happens to not want to go to sleep yet.

Happy 22 months, Joshua! I can't believe you will be turning 2 years old in just 2 short months!


Janelle and Ella said...

Joshua is so sweet! And smart! I love the video! He's in my office right now so we got to watch it together. He was repeating all the letters and saying his name! SO cute!

Anonymous said...

I seriously have the smartest nephew! Can't wait to see you guys!

MamaCass said...

I love this age. They start learning so quickly. Something new everyday it seems. Loved the video!

Jake said...

He told me all his colors the other day...he is very smart!

Plus we are slowly becoming friends! I love it!


Stephenandstar said...

Your blog looks so cool, and your boys are absolutely adorable!

Kristin said...

I love Joshua's "Yah" It is such a reflection of his sweet personality! I can NOT believe that he knows all those shapes and colors and letters and....the list goes on! Your boy is smart!

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